Monday, August 8, 2016

Medium or Psychic?

The official name for my profession changes. Now it’s Medium. I looked up the word in my enormous Webster’s dictionary from 1983, and found the tenth definition: a person serving as an instrument through which another personality or a supernatural agency is alleged to manifest itself. How about that word, alleged? No wonder I kept my abilities a secret in 1983.

I prefer Psychic. Here’s the first definition from that dictionary: of or pertaining to the human soul or mind; mental. What I don’t like about that definition is the word human. I guess I should get over it, since I gather it came from: in the hue of a man. All of us came from women, so I prefer huwoman. I doubt I’ll see the day that the word is changed. Dust to dust.
My favorite monikers would be Angel: a messenger (third definition) or Prophet: a person who foretells or predicts what is to come (sixth definition). Both have connotations that don’t sit well with a lot of people, but when I’m ninety, maybe I can switch to one of them.
I used to be called a teacher, now an educator. I used to be called a stewardess, now a flight attendant. I used to be called a singer, now a musician. In high school, the jocks called me Shoulders McGee. What does it matter? I’m still me.

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