Monday, May 26, 2014

Am I Scared of Being Psychic?

I hear two questions over and over regarding my psychic abilities.  The first is….How Long Have You Known You Had This? The second is….Aren’t You Scared?  The first question is easy but I struggle with the second.  Do these people mean, am I scared of my own abilities?  Or do they mean, am I scared that a murderer I helped convict will get out of jail and hunt me down? 

There are many scary jobs.  The recent accident with circus acrobats falling to the floor is one.  What law enforcement personnel deal with every day is another.  I thought my mom’s job as a nurse seemed scary but she said it was not. 

My answer is no, I am not scared.  I have had this ability since my first memories.  Why be scared of what has always been with me?  If the person asking the question has committed questionable or negative acts, I say, it’s YOU who should be scared of ME.  They giggle nervously and move away.  And I’m glad. 

Fear gives me a stomach ache.  When I feel it, I banish it and replace it with a positive forward force.  At 63, I have today and maybe tomorrow.  I have people to love and places to see.  None of us should let fear hold us back from what we need to do.