Thursday, May 21, 2009

How Much Do I Tell a Client?

Who killed my husband? Will I make it through the divorce? Will I have another heart attack if I have sex?

These 3 questions came from 3 clients in May.

I never know what to withhold and what to tell? I am not a genius, merely a woman with a gift.

Maybe it is like "country club" behavior.....try to be polite, key into the person with whom I'm communicating, and then hope for the best.

My underlying concern keeps me on target.


  1. You can only be wrong I suppose or right maybe. There are too many instances where things have turned out as predicted, only later than expected or in a slightly different way. I was once told that we would have a new blue car in the fall. Unlikely, I thought as we had no plans to get one nor the money either. Then, unexpectedly my husband's father decided to get a new car and he offered his to us. We snapped it up and guess what colour it was? That's right, blue and he gave it to us in October. Now, it may have been a coincidence but over my lifetime there have been too many coincidences like that for them to be coincidences, if you see what I mean, LOL
    Blessings, Star

  2. OK Jan, is there something you still need to tell me? Just kidding. You can click on your followers and find out where they are from and what they are up to...or maybe you already know. Peace.

  3. Hi! I "found" you through Butternut Squash's blog and thought that this was a very interesting post! I would say be as honest as possible...

    I hope you don't mind if I ask you a question...
    once in a year or so I use tarot cards, I try not to consult them too often since sometimes I get dizzy! Do you know if this is a "natural" thing?
    I wonder if it means I shouldn't be using them, but they have always been right on the button.

    Thank you for letting me take a peek at your blog!
    all the best, Tulsa

  4. I had forgotten that my tarot cards used to make me dizzy.

    Maybe it is like new glasses and bifocals. They make us dizzy at first and then in time become helpful.

    Ask any questions, answers and enlightenment is why I am here.

    Jan Helen

  5. Oh Jan Helen, thank you so much! I never knew who to ask this question.
    It's about that time of year where I'd like some direction and was hoping to consult my cards. Now I feel much more comfortable about it.
    Thank you!
