Saturday, April 18, 2009

Does a house have a soul?

I visited an old house this afternoon with warm energy and pulsing walls.

Maybe it remembered the people who had lived there or maybe I only remembered.

In museums with re-created rooms or in museums of old buildings, I usually see entities (people who have passed on) cooking or dancing or floating in their favorite spot.

This house had no entities, only its own. So my question for this day is.....does a house have a soul?


  1. I don't usually see entities, unless I am dreaming, but I definitely get a sense of good and bad houses. Some houses I can't stand being alone in. I have to sing a lot in those kinds of houses. Peace.

  2. Yes, I do believe that houses have souls and personalities. I think I am in love with my house in England.
    Blessings, Star

  3. i believe they resonate with the energy from people who have lived there.

  4. i believe they resonate with the energy from people who have lived there.
