One of my first email clients was a man. After many readings, I found out it was a woman. At first, I chastised myself, until I realized that I see a lot of people, including myself, as some parts man and some parts woman. It’s like the Virgo sign, where the women are more masculine in their approach and the men often work in previously female jobs.
I’m self-employed, which in my generation was
predominantly male, and I’m good at collecting overdue money. I often travel
alone and few things scare me. I never dress frilly, I like my hair short and I
dislike spa treatments. On the other hand, I’m heterosexual, love having
children born of me, enjoy a sexy dress once in a while, and I still have my
1957 dolly.
So, what’s my point? Embrace all parts of yourself. We
are more than just one thing and we can do more than one thing. The confusion
we feel about pronouns is all good, so don’t be frustrated. Just ask and