Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Isolation Feeds Intuition

Isolation means to keep separate and apart. Right now, that feels like it’s everything, but it’s just our bodies. Our minds are free to roam, imagine, and connect. Since intuition is perception and insight, this is a good time for you to harness this pure knowledge.

I find that my isolation has made the world seem simpler. The air, my love for voices on the phone, and the virtual psychic readings and music lessons I give, all come to me with a clarity I didn’t notice before.

Right now, some things are harder and some are easier. One hard part of my psychic life has been doing readings by email. After a client sends 3-5 questions, I pace around the house, then begin to connect in my mind. Compared to true voices, it often felt like a barrier I had to knock down.

With this new world of isolation, it’s easier. My pings of intuition are open, instead of hiding. My bond with nature and those close to me strengthens, and those bonds are forged in the concrete of intuition.

Now is a good time to connect with all that you can’t see, explain, or touch, and to think of what you gain instead of what you lose. Draw everything into your senses. Smell, hear, and know the unknowable. It’s one of the better parts of now.