One sunny afternoon, as I did readings at a
Renaissance Fair, a woman sat down and leaned in close. She said, my children
are special but I want you to tell me if I’m wrong. Look at their palms.
With at least one hundred hours of study, I felt
ready to do palm interpretations and condense everything I learned into their
five minute session. That day, those beautiful, odd but bedraggled boy and girl
opened their palms to me and I saw what she meant. Their palms were covered
with stars. Big stars, little stars, perfect stars, misshapen stars. I felt
such shock.
Stars on the palm represent fame, success, the ability
to deal with challenges, and exceptional creative abilities. Those children,
with dark hair and light eyes that bore into my soul, knew and accepted that
they were unusual.
Children know. They learn quickly and they try to
please us, but each child knows early in life who they are and who they want to
be. Look at your sister and brother, if you have one, or an early childhood
friend. Other than maturity, aren’t they the same as they were as a child, with
unchanged strengths and weaknesses?
A paranormal child is not scientifically
explainable. Any child’s behavior can’t be explained, as their funny word usage
and quirky behavior delight us. Without the knowledge of classes and maturity,
how a child hones intellect is nothing short of a miracle.
Take a page from a child’s book. Look at the world
with thankful wonder, and believe that you know, because you do.