Monday, June 15, 2015


I am often asked to interpret dreams.  I love my own dreams but frankly, other people’s dreams confuse me or put me back to sleep.  At a recent talk I gave on intuition, I showed the audience my favorite dream book, The Dreamer’s Dictionary by Lady Stearn Robinson and Tom Corbett.  If you look up key words from your dream as soon as you wake up, you might have the answers I’m not able to give you.

For my entire childhood I had recurring dreams that I hadn’t studied for a test.  (Are you falling asleep yet?)  Unable to stop them, I started to teach at a school.  Voila, dreams gone. 
For my whole life, I had murder dreams.  At age 40 I began pro bono work on murder cases.  Flash, dreams gone. 

That’s the extent of my dream knowledge.  Buy The Dreamer’s Dictionary or save your money and create a new and different reality for your future.  That sounds more fun to me, and better and cheaper than coffee.