Sunday, July 13, 2014

Mom said, "Don't Wish Your Life Away"

I like the future more than the past.  I plan next season and next year.  It doesn’t matter if my plans change but the fantasy thrills me.  Sometimes I wonder if it is because of my psychic work.  In both murder cases and when helping people with their problems, I time travel to the past and soar to the future.  While the past seems fraught with angst, the future equals promise and potential. 

Now it’s summer, a season that reminds me of my mother.  She worked swing shift as a nurse so summer meant the two of us washed sheets and made beds.  I ironed my dad’s handkerchiefs and complained of boredom.

“I wish there were something to do,” I whined.

“Don’t wish your life away,” she barked.

She was right and wrong.  Right because I miss those slow hot days and her long sighs.  Wrong because the future does fill me with hope.  The present is fine but with it comes an assessment of what I have and what I do not.  Right now I have hives from who knows what, poison ivy in my yard and bees I am allergic to. 

The future holds all things.  A chance one of my children will give me a grandchild.  The possibility of another trip to Europe.  Maybe a boyfriend before I am 80. 

Wish what you want.  Wishing is good.  Wishing is rich and free.