Monday, October 14, 2024


I am not even close to being an expert on reincarnation. When people tell me their stories and remember a past life, I nod and wish I were more fluent in this. I have always remembered only one thing, I drowned in a past life. The image is of me swimming in very deep water, and I had a bathing suit on and I had very long black hair.

Since my hair has never grown long and takes forever to grow an inch, I figured from the dark hair and my adroit figure that it must have happened in my 30s. The vision seemed vivid for so long, that I avoided deep water from age eighteen to my forties. I still don’t think I’d swim out deep into the ocean.

The whole thought of this phenomenon makes me feel creepy. Clients on my ghost tours ask me if I’m frightened by the ghosts I see. No, I tell them, I’ve always seen them, so they don’t seem unusual to me. Beside, they aren’t here to disturb me.

Why are they here? I think disgruntled ghosts are people who have unfinished business. Why are the good ghosts here? I imagine they are having fun, or got stuck in this dimension somehow.

I wish I could remember more past lives. I wonder if my déjà vu is related to a past life. Maybe then I was in the same spot as I am in this lifetime.

Hinduism and Buddhism believe in reincarnation. That will be my next research project, to find out what’s going on through the eyes of a religion. One quarter of adults and 18% of Americans believe in reincarnation. I definitely need to know more. Here’s a book suggestion: In My Time of Dying by Sebastian Junger. 

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