Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Arts: Portals to Intuition

The arts act as portals into intuition throughout the year. At holidays, they sneak into gift choices and pleasant activities. 

When I was a child, Santa brought me books. Except for two gifts, the baby doll that 34 years later looked like my son, and my favorite Betty Crocker Junior Baking Kit, books were my best presents. Stories meant I could lose myself in the past or the future. That letting go spurred me to move outside my body into other realms, to help me perform music and work on murder cases with police. 

In school, I was a poor artist who couldn’t relax, but as I practiced piano, I could pretend to waltz in a white French wig, or come alive in the hills of Germany with the Sound of Music.

Now, when I prepare for my psychic work, I use music as a portal. You know how music transports you to other feelings and places? That’s what I use, that floating ability to let go of the here and now, to carry my brain away from the confines of exactness.

At the holidays, I use intuition and insight when I choose a gift for a loved one, and when I sing songs or tell old stories. Every year, my perception is altered by the people around me and my own unique mind set.

At the end of this year, let us bring love and intuition to the forefront. As they said in the 1960s, hang a little bit loose and stay groovy.

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